Friday, March 16, 2012

Running is therapy

The past few weeks I have been on a roller coaster with my career.  I resigned from my teaching position in February trusting that the position lined up would be a good move; it would put me in a position to work a full-time flexible schedule, while giving me time and energy for other aspects of my life (getting married and running).  This week my world turned upside down when I learned that I have to look for a new position; being a contract employee means that a change in the client's needs can result in lots of contract employees not having any work...sigh.  The news hit me hard so I hit the trails for stress relief.

Yesterday's run pushed me to my physical limit.  My legs are already tired from my running streak and the new trails that I explored had more rolling hills than I anticipated; I pushed through and, despite my desire to walk, I surprised myself by running all of them and focusing on maintaining good form up the hills.  I got home and put on my trusty CEP compression socks and my calves thanked me.  Today's run may be cut short due to time (NCAA tournament is on after all...GO GATORS!) but I will get out just to take a break from job hunting.

Honestly, I wish I could find a job, even part-time, that is related to running or sports.  Unfortunately, those are limited and not many exist in the Orange County area.  Until I find a job, I'll take advantage of extra time to run and relish in the beauty of the scenery as I run the local trails.

1 comment:

  1. Have. You considered joining a running club like Cal Coast? Belonging would provide some outstanding networking opportunities and maybe, just maybe, a you might be able to find a job related to running.
